– Irjen Mathius D. Fakhiri, the Chief of Papua Police, has officially resigned from his position in the National Police Corps. This move comes as he prepares to run for governor of Papua in the 2024 Local Elections.
Assistant to the Chief of National Police for Human Resources, Irjen Dedi Prasetyo, confirmed the resignation on Wednesday, August 28, 2024. Dedi stated, “Including Papua Police Chief Irjen Mathius D. Fakhiri has submitted his resignation letter.”
Mathius D. Fakhiri’s departure is part of a broader trend, as two other high-ranking police officials are also stepping down to pursue local political positions. Former Central Java Police Chief Komjen Ahmad Luthfi and Aceh Deputy Police Chief Irjen Armia Fahmi have both resigned from the National Police Corps to compete in the 2024 Local Elections.
The resignation process for Irjen Mathius D. Fakhiri began on Friday, August 23, 2024. Kombes Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo, Head of Public Relations at Papua Police, explained, “The administrative process for Mathius’s resignation was submitted on August 23. He is now waiting for the official decision from the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.”
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Benny added that the final decision regarding the resignation is pending the issuance of an official letter from the National Police Chief. “We are still awaiting the National Police Chief’s decision. The issuance of the official letter has not yet occurred, and we do not have a confirmed timeline for when it will be issued,” Benny said.
Mathius D. Fakhiri has received political endorsements for his gubernatorial bid. He is supported by the Democratic Party and Golkar Party as a candidate for governor of Papua. Alongside Aryoko Rumaropen, Mathius is preparing for the upcoming election.
Irjen Mathius D. Fakhiri’s decision represents a significant shift in the political and police landscape in Papua. His candidacy is expected to have a major impact on the 2024 Local Elections. The next steps will include awaiting the National Police Chief’s official decision and how the administrative process will proceed.
In the meantime, the people of Papua and interested parties continue to monitor these developments, hoping for a democratic and transparent election process. With several high-ranking officials running in the elections, this situation is expected to be a focal point for both the public and various stakeholders.
Source: Metro TV.